Dec 4, 2008

customizing it.....

Am still trying to get familiar with this blogging thingy... a bit slow..
mebbe i need more time to get addicted to this stuff...

hrmmm... arini...
on the way back from ofis, aku berjaya buat satu bende bodoh.... hihihihi
well... as u guys know, federal highway punye traffic at 6PM camne kan...
SOOO... i was so bored... JAM GILER SIAL...

suddenly, tangan aku gatal nak raba kat seat blkg aku... aku terjumpe drumstick adik aku kat seat blkg... SERIOUSLY... aku rase happy siot jumpe bende tu... so aper lagi...

aku kuatkan radio aku sampai volume 18... mengalunkan lagu MICHAEL BUBLE-SWAY...
aku terus mengetuk drumstick tu kat stereng,dashboard, pintu sket... dgn penoh semangat...

mule2 mase start tuh main pelan2... lame2 dia punye stim pon sampi... akupon aper lagi.. hentam macam main drum btol2.. siap ngn hangguk2 kepala skali.. FUHH.. melayan tak hengat doh...

pastu ader satu part, mase kete aku stop.. aku tak sedar, cine dalam lori sebelah.. tgh tgk aku ! aku layan macam TRE COOL(greenday) tgh hentak drum.. pastu aku pandang sblh.. cine tu muke pelik tgk aku... !! hahahahahah dgn muke selambe aku angkat kepala kat cine tuh... pastu aku gerak mulut aku kat dia.. BORING LA JAM !! dia pon bantai gelak kat aku.. aku pon gelak samer... pastu pandang depan balik... SAMBUNG BALIK beb... hahahaha confirm uncle tu ingat aku ni drummer band ROCK mane2 tah...

aku sedar2 dah smpi TOL BATU 3... mmg layan beb !! dalam 4, 5 lagu jugak la aku hentam tadi..ini adalah antara care nak mengkhayalkan diri tanpa rase stress JAM..

Seriously, aku mmg sejenis umat.. yg tak tahan dgn JAM... aku cepat hangin !! tapi harini....
MMG SEJARAH daa... aku berjaya mengharungi JAM di kala PEAK.. tanpa rase stress !! hahahha

SOooo.. to all u guys... if u can't handle the traffic at peak hours.. try n get urself pair of drumstick.. n go get urself CRAZY with it !! hahaha but it's only for u who dont mind looking stupid.. in public area !! ahahahhahah

but, i wonder.. can we get tickets from MR. POLICE for playing drum while driving???... hmmm..

Nahh... Screw it.. IT'S FUN, MAN.. U guys shud try...

till thenn... KEEP ON ROCKING... hihihihi


emilia azman said...

aku tak reti main drum.. so camne??

****Mr. Stinky**** said...

hehehehe jgn risau... aku pon tak reti... belasah je "macam" reti ! hahahahahha

BuahKranjiDalamPerahu said...

kalabumalami....keep it up, usaha tangga kejayaan..